
Flu-fighting tips to keep you and others healthy

Sniffles, sore throat, fever, and aches and pains may accompany a number of illnesses, but during the wintertime such symptoms are typically indicative of influenza.

Throughout much of North America, flu season peaks between December and February. But flu season can occur anywhere from October to March, advises the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The flu is contagious and can sideline people for extended periods of time. The CDC says that each year one in five Americans gets the flu. Taking steps to fend off the flu can help men and women and the people they routinely come in contact with.

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Food can be used to fend of the flu. Common foods that many people already have in their pantries can be powerful flu-fighters. Garlic, for example, contains compounds that have direct antiviral effects and may help destroy the flu before it affects the body. Raw garlic is best. In addition to garlic, citrus fruits, ginger, yogurt, and dark leafy greens can boost immunity and fight the flu, according to Mother Nature’s Network. The British Journal of Nutrition notes that dark chocolate  supports T-helper cells, which increase the immune system’s ability to defend against infection. A study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics showed that carnosine, a compound found in chicken soup, can help strengthen the body’s immune system and help fight off the flu in its early stages.

Flu shot and medications

Annual flu shots administered in advance of flu season can help protect people and their families from getting the flu. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says that, in select situations, antiviral medications — which are usually prescribed to treat the flu and lessen symptoms — can reduce the chance of illness in people exposed to influenza. Many over-the-counter medicines can alleviate symptoms of the flu, but cannot fend it off.

Stop germ proliferation

Germs can be spread easily between persons through direct contact and indirect contact with surfaces sick individuals have touched. Doctors recommend staying home for at least 24 hours after a flu-induced fever has dissipated. Well individuals should avoid contact with sick people. Frequent hand-washing with soap and water can stop germs from spreading. When soap and water is not available, alcohol-based hand sanitizers can help. People also should avoid touching their eyes, noses and mouths after being in public places or around someone who is ill.

Rest and restore

Those who feel symptoms coming on should begin drinking more liquids to keep the respiratory system hydrated and make mucus less viscous. Remember to get adequate sleep, as a tired body cannot effectively fight the flu virus. People of all ages should take steps to protect themselves from the flu.

Find healthy foods while on the go

Nice weather often equates to an uptick in road trips. During such trips, motorists and their passengers will need to take breaks to refuel both their vehicles and their bodies.
Rest stop and convenience store snack options are often unhealthy, and it can be difficult for nutrition-minded travelers to find acceptable fare. But a little creativity coupled with some smarter choices can ensure road trips don’t derail healthy diets.

  • Bring food along. One of the easiest ways to eat healthy while traveling is to bring meals and snacks with you. Look for portable foods that may not require much refrigeration, such as fruit bars or trail mix. If you have room in the car for a small cooler or insulated lunch packs, fill them with fresh fruits and sandwiches. Opt for lean lunch meats like chicken and turkey. Avoid using cheese or dressings like mayonnaise that can quickly spoil. Some other easily portable foods include applesauce cups, oatmeal packets (all you need is hot water from a rest stop) and low-sodium, low-fat jerky.
  • Pack plenty of water, a healthier choice than soft drinks that will also  keep you hydrated when sitting in the car for extended periods of time. 
  • Find healthy fast food. If packing food is not an option or if you just prefer the convenience of getting something along the way, you can still make informed choices. Opt for foods that are roughly 500 calories or less and boast plenty of protein and whole grains to help you feel full longer. You may not be able to enjoy low-sodium foods, as many fast food options go heavy on the salt. Just steer clear of extra condiments that only increase those already considerable sodium levels.
  • If you must opt for fast food, do not order sides of fries or chips, which will only make meals less healthy. Also, avoid sugary sodas. Many fast food restaurants offer some healthy fare, such as grilled chicken sandwiches. Order such sandwiches plain or with extra lettuce and tomato for a healthy crunch. Order sandwiches on whole-wheat buns when possible.
  • Kids’ meals tend to have healthy portion sizes. If possible, purchase a kid’s meal and opt for a side of sliced apples or another healthy alternative.
  • Make smart choices at sit-down restaurants, too. It’s important to stay focused on healthy fare even when you pull off the highway and patronize more traditional sit-down restaurants. Again, think smaller portions. Consider splitting an entrée with another person in your traveling party. Some chains will offer the nutritional information right on the menu, or put a special symbol next to their healthiest offerings. Substitute steamed vegetables for starchy or fattening side dishes and always ask for sauces to be served on the side.
  • It’s not always easy to eat healthy when traveling. But travelers can often find healthy fare, even if they need to bring it along themselves.